Schools Innovations Project Coordinator

Job Description

Job Overview

We are delighted to be advertising a part time Project Coordinator role to support the work of Schools Mental Health Innovation and Maudsley Education Consultation Service. This is a new role in a developing area within Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in South London and Maudsley Foundation NHS Trust. There is rich and exciting work already happening in our SLaM boroughs within Mental Health Support Teams in schools, as well as creative work co-occurring within schools led by National and Specialist CAMHS Teams. Part of the Schools Innovation and Consultation work is to support coordination and sharing of good practice across all these existing teams, but also to develop new innovations where there are gaps. The TExaS project is an example of the innovation work. The research project aims to help teachers support the children and young people in their classrooms who have mental health difficulties through providing training and practical support via an online platform. This work is led by a Consultant Psychiatrist in SLAM, as well as researchers in King’s College London.

Main duties of the role

The postholder will have two main roles: to support existing schools work and to support new schools innovations. The first role will include supporting the coordination of clinical school innovation projects in CAMHS, as well as the coordination of research projects in schools from King’s College London. This will involve attending meetings, minute taking, organising activities and documenting projects on excel, as well as require good liaison skills and team working. The second role of supporting innovations will include providing psychoeducation for teachers; online consultation with health and education experts including liaising with CAMHS and other mental health professionals for advice and referral. There will be additional new school

innovations which the postholder would support.

The Team

Team members include a Consultant Psychiatrist and Assistant Psychologist and frequent liaison with several SLAM and Kings colleagues, including members of the CAMHS Digital Lab. Staff in the School Mental Health Innovation and Consultation work are passionate about working within the school system, believing that intervening early can prevent further difficulties escalating. Working with teachers and other parts of the school system are exciting

developments, which makes the work stimulating and rewarding. We value difference and continually seek to become professionals that are curious, supportive and inclusive of all children, young people and staff members.

About our locations

The postholder will do some home working within this role. They will be required to travel to various schools, community mental health services in Croydon, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark and to the Maudsley for meetings. This is the location of the Trust headquarters and at Denmark Hill less than 5 minutes from the train station (zone 2) and is within walking distance from the beautiful green spaces of Ruskin park and the vibrant high-street that offers great shopping opportunities and with a wide range of restaurants.


A First-class or Upper-second-class Bachelors degree with Honours in Psychology or an equivalent conversion course that is accredited by the British Psychological Society and confers the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership of the British Psychological Society.



  •  Post-graduate experience of conducting research projects or audits.

  •  Experience that supports working with, and addressing issues of, diversity within local communities. This may have been gained through work, research, volunteering and / or lived experience.

Understanding / Knowledge

  • Graduate level knowledge of psychological research methodology and statistical analysis.

  • Good theoretical knowledge of the problems experienced by and needs of young people and of methods of assessment, treatment and support.

  • Awareness of racial and diversity issues, e.g., through attendance at relevant training.


Well-developed verbal and written communication skills including communicating complex information to clients, families, teachers and colleagues.

Well-developed IT skills including entry and analysis of research data.


  • Ability to work effectively within a multi- disciplinary team, participating in effective team functioning and holding team roles.

  • Ability to identify and follow relevant clinical governance procedures

  • Ability to maintain concentration and to remain in restricted positions for long periods during observations, assessments and psychological interventions.

  • Ability to manage occasional emotionally stressful situations such as working with victims of abuse or trauma, or with people who engage in severe self-harming or aggressive behaviour.

  • Ability to communicate complex, sensitive or contentious information to people.

  • Ability to manage verbal abuse and hostility directed at self.


We are seeking a PhD level research assistance (flexible hours) to support our research project. The project will focus on design of biomimetic decellularized extra cellular matrix (ECM)  bioink  for long term survival of mesenchymal stem cells, assessment of upregulation osteogenic/cartilage markers.

Job Description/Responsibilities

  • conducting  the experiments

  • Analyse the data using appropriate statistical method

  • Write the report  to summarize data and the implications of the results



PhD im cell biology/molecular biology/related with the field


The successful applicant is expected to have experience in molecular biology and methodologies relevant to the field, including cell culture, RT-qPCR, immunistaining and imaging. experience with 3D bio printer and flow cytometry would be an advantage.

The invigilator is responsible for maintaining discipline and good order during the oral exam preparation.

They are required to ensure that bags etc are deposited alongside a wall, or at another place far away enough for students to take out any potential aid. Furthermore, they will need to ensure that candidates do not bring to the desk any notes, books or any other aid, except a pen to take notes. The invigilator also ensures that electronic devices are put away and that mobile phones are only used to check the time. Ten minutes before the end of the assessment, the invigilator should announce the time remaining to the candidates and at the end of the preparation time, the invigilator should instruct candidates to cease writing and go to the exam room.

The invigilator reports to the Language Director who will be in touch before the exam date.


Doctoral candidate


  • Excellent organisational skills

  • Excellent communication skills

The invigilator is responsible for maintaining discipline and good order during the oral exam preparation.

They are required to ensure that bags etc are deposited alongside a wall, or at another place far away enough for students to take out any potential aid. Furthermore, they will need to ensure that candidates do not bring to the desk any notes, books or any other aid, except a pen to take notes. The invigilator also ensures that electronic devices are put away and that mobile phones are only used to check the time. Ten minutes before the end of the assessment, the invigilator should announce the time remaining to the candidates and at the end of the preparation time, the invigilator should instruct candidates to cease writing and go to the exam room.

The oral exams will take place on Tuesday 17th, Thursday 19th and Friday 20th September.

The invigilator reports to the relevant Language Director who will be in touch before the exams start.


Doctoral candidates


  • Excellent organisational skills

  • Excellent communication skills